Flowers By Becky, independent florist in Fleet Compact Hand Tied Bouquet

Your bouquet is very special, it should be comfortable for you to hold, compliment your dress and not over power it and most of all be something you love.


There are many styles of bouquet and not all of them will be right for you, or your dress.  Whether you have a specific style in mind, or are open to looking at different designs, I can take you through all the various options and tailor your bouquet to your own personal style and theme.


Flowers By Becky, An Independent Florist in Fleet, Hampshire Loose, Informal Hand Tied Bouquet

A hand tied bouquet is very popular, and will suit most brides.  However it is never just a hand tied bouquet.  Your bouquet can be compact and formal, or loose and informal, giving a more rustic look.


If you prefer something contemporary and bold, then it can be that too.


A hand tied bouquet can also be trailing or have more of a shape to give the feel of a shower bouquet.


Flowers By Becky, An Independent Florist in Fleet, Hampshire Contemporary Hand Tied Bouquet
Flowers By Becky, An Independent Florist in Fleet, Hampshire A Traditional Overarm Bouquet

An overarm bouquet is another alternative.  While still hand tied, the flowers lay in a linear style that is meant to be held laying comfortably in the crook of the arm.  In fact, this is the very style that I chose for my own bouquet.


While this example is very full, giving a traditional feel, a simple bouquet of calla lilies over the arm is just as beautiful and much more contemporary.

Flowers by Becky, An Independent Florsist In Fleet, Hampshire A contemporary overarm bouquet

This is a very special overarm bouquet.  This was my wedding present to my very dear friend Era on her marriage to Scott.  I had to liaise very closely with her own florist to order my flowers as they got married in Melbourne, Australia.  Myself and my two girls, Izzie and Pippa were also bridesmaids, along with another very dear friend, Vanessa.

Flowers By Becky, An Independent Florist In Fleet, Hampshire A Compact Shower Bouquet

Shower bouquets are becoming more and more popular.  This example is a more compact shower bouquet, they can be much more flowing and longer in length.


While this is a very traditional style of shower bouquet, the much more contemporary European style of shower bouquets are also quite stunning.

Flowers By Becky, An Independent Florist in Fleet, Hampshire Contemporary Shower Bouquet of Ivory Calla Lilies

Whilst these examples of the different styles of bouquet are by no means everything that is available, it may give you a little bit of an idea of what you think might be just right for you.


And if you had your heart set on a certain style, then you may have seen something you hadn't thought of before.




Every month, I will be leaving a Lonely Bouquet somewhere in Fleet, Church Crookham or Crookham Village.

The message will tell the person finding it to pass it on to someone they feel needs cheering up!

I'd love to know the journey of all these bouquets.


Weddings in 2024 and 2025

2025 and 2026 Wedding dates are now being  booked.


Dates still available for 2025 and taking  bookings for 2026.


Get in touch if you are looking for your Wedding Florist.


Unlike many, I don't have a minimum spend, every wedding and couple are important to me.

Becky xxxx



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